Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Upcoming sponsorship workshop

Upcoming sponsorship level 2 workshop

Thursday 4th April from 6.30pm - 8.30pm

If you are a carded athlete and you have registered for this workshop please note some detailed information below.
  1. Make sure you have completed the following worksheets before you come to the workshop
    Personal vision
    Your current sponsors
    Your story

    These were areas we worked with athletes on during the level 1 workshop.  If you did not attend the level 1 workshop, please take some time to watch the video of the sponsorship level 1 workshop here
  2. Outcomes we hope to work with you on during the workshop include:

    A. Be able to have a really succinct 30 second elevator pitch
    B. Have 8 key defined messages you want to include in your communications strategy
    C. Identify 5 untapped potential new partners to my campaign
    D. Have a draft sponsorship strategy in place
  3. At the conclusion of the workshop you will have the opportunity to spend one on one time with an Advisor specialising in this area to follow up the above actions
  4. We will invite you to return to a level 3 workshop following this one to take your sponsorship and partnerships strategy to another level.
  5. Any further questions email Helene Wilson

Monday, 11 March 2013

Creating opportunities

12th March 2013

Creating Opportunities for Sponsorship and relationships

Over the years we have found that nearly all athletes would like to increase their opportunities to generate more income through their sport (ie sponsorship).

Whether you are simply needing additional income to cover living expenses, or it could be campaign costs are in excess of what your Sport or High Performance Sport NZ funding might cover.  

There are many opportunities out there for you - with the right strategy, approach and supporting material (ie proposals, social media, website etc) you greatly increase your chances to benefit from these opportunities.

We think some of the key areas in sponsorship and creating opportunities you need to have as an athlete include the ability to:

1. Share/sell your message in less than 90 seconds for why someone should support your campaign (elevator pitch)It could be you are sitting next to someone on a plane that just might be interested in being involved or it might be that someone comes up to you on the beach while you are getting ready for a training session.  You never know when an opportunity might crop up that you can take advantage of.  Practicing and getting a great message across can make all the difference.
Be clear on your top 8 key messages that you should get across in your proposal/pitchIf you are giving someone a proposal or more information about what you do, it needs to be to the point, concise, eye catching and something that the reader wants to read.

3. Be able to identify 5-6 people that you want to contact regarding a possible partnership and have a how strategy in place for how to approach the contact 

Think about your existing sponsorships, partnerships or where your support comes from.  How often is it that it is someone you know or someone who knows someone who knows someone?

Athlete Life has put together a session that includes a panel of athletes who have been successful with sponsorship, and practical components to help you achieve the above objectives.  On top of this we can offer carded athletes a 1 on 1 follow up to go through each of these areas and get them ready to put into practice and any follow up support you might want. 

To register your interest email