Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Value of a Network

26 September 2013

The Value of a Network (Karin Adelinger-Smith)

Whether we officially recognise it or not, we all belong to some form of a network. Many of us think that in order to network we have to put ourselves out there in a truly uncomfortable way, the way that public speaking makes many of us feel when we are standing in front of a room full of people, our hearts pounding and our palms sweating. This isn’t the case.

It’s important to recognise the value of a network because a network comprises a group of people that provides support, advice, sharing of ideas and expertise which can only enrich our learning. 
The network I am referring to is a network of people, be it family, friends, a friend of a friend or a business colleague who just happens to be the vet of your great uncle. These connections and relationships will be with people who want to support you throughout each phase of your career.