February 19, 2016
Athlete Life in 2016
The Athlete Life Team have been looking at how we work over the last few months and what are focus areas are going to be in the coming years. Our new look infographic clarifies our purpose and emphasises our focus on adding value to performance.It aligns closely with our vision of 'Athlete Smart Life Smart', supporting athletes who have chosen to pursue their goal of winning on the world stage.
Career Development...
Through career development we look at identity and values, interests, character traits and strengths, decision making processes and planning.
These skills can be developed in both sport and life and are transferrable across both. We work in a variety of contexts and build capability in athletes to manage their time and energy, communication and relationships, change and finances along with their sporting lifestyle.
So how do we do what we do?
Our delivery is targeted to individual need with the goal of the programme being athletes who are able to take responsibility for their performance in all aspects of their life. They can behave professionally in the High Performance environment and lead their support team to achieve their goals.
The ability to forward plan and regularly review, along with effective communication and continuous learning are key skills which are a focus for our programme. These are identified as common skills in successful athletes and we believe can speed the progress of athletes achieving their goals.